All cities, towns, municipalities and counties with a focus on more effective local development governance should check out the following website: https://www.samoocena.monitorr...
The self-assessment tool was presented to potential users for the first time during a meeting held by the Silesian Union of Municipalities and Counties for 43 local governments on 16 November.
What is noteworthy about the Self-Assessment Tool?
The Self-Assessment Tool for local government units in Poland (SAT) was designed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in partnership with the Association of Polish Cities, Polish local governments and other public institutions actively contributing.
It lets cities, towns, counties and/or municipalities engage in a comprehensive review of development governance processes in the following fields: development planning, public services improvement, and institutional preparation for managing development effectively.
SAT enables the objective assessment of any local government unit by international experts. OECD has outlined the desired level of institutional maturity for local governments, referencing best practices of highly-developed countries and accounting for Poland’s legal considerations.
Any SAT-related process will be backed up with comprehensive IT support – electronic questionnaires through to automatic action plan drafting reports. The eSAT gateway has been designed by the Association of Polish Cities for purposes of implementing OECD’s self-assessment tool, on initiative of Polish local government units participating in the self-assessment effort.
What can we achieve through self-assessment?
Higher process efficiency – self-assessment will allow a review of current procedures as well as integration of the development governance process.
Institutional equity growth – self-assessment encourages systemic improvement with a focus on strengthening the organisation’s competencies in the field of strategic management.
Levelling the knowledge playing field – the self-assessment team will boost strategic development managing competencies.
All self-assessment components have been developed pursuant to the predefined project “Developing the Institutional Potential of Medium-Sized and Small Cities and Towns in Poland to Implement Effective Local Development Policies”, 85% and 15% of which funded by the so-called Norway Grants and European Economic Area funds for the years 2014-2021 and the state budget, respectively.