The city has found itself in the elite count of 29 Polish municipalities granted assistance funds as part of the prestigious “Local Development” Programme. The project “’Dugnad’ in Kędzierzyn-Koźle. Local Resident Integration and Restoring Neighbourhood Relations as a Foundation for Local Development” was officially launched during a press conference attended by municipal authorities, partners, Association of Polish Cities representatives and other invited guests.
The term “dugnad” is untranslatable verbatim. It stands for a Norwegian custom practiced for generations, involving neighbourhood self-help, participating in community work, and civic activity.
On 16 December 2021, the Kędzierzyn-Koźle municipality entered into a project funding agreement with the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy. Project works will continue until 30 April 2024. The grant will allow Kędzierzyn-Koźle to deliver key investments recognised as a boost for further development. Millions of euro approved for the municipality will be used i.a. to implement local community integration policies, support persons with disabilities, collaborate with non-governmental organisations and organise ecological activities. The grant will be split between 60% in investment projects and 40% in so-called “soft” activities.
The project will be delivered in partnership with the Municipal Public Library, Municipal Centre of Culture, Municipal Social Welfare Centre, Municipal Sports & Recreation Centre, Kędzierzyn-Koźle Industrial Park, Europa Iuvenis Association, and Koziołek (Billy Goat) sports Club.
Over 250 cities and towns from across Poland were invited to compete for Icelandic, Liechtenstein and Norwegian grants, only 54 municipalities approved for stage two. Following detailed application analysis, an international team of experts identified 29 leaders granted a total of EUR 102 million. It took over one year to appraise all applications and attachments.