The debate served as the finale for Entrepreneurship Days organised pursuant to the “Jasło – My Town, My Home” project co-funded by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for the years 2014-2021 and the state budget, and also an opening event for the scheduled series of meetings with the business community. Jasło is one of the 29 victorious Polish urban beneficiaries of funding allocated to the delivery of tasks planned under the “Local Development” Programme. The community of the town’s Partners for some of these activities includes the Association of Municipalities of the Wisłoka Basin, Jasło Business Association, and “Active Galicia” Foundation.
Guests invited to the debate included local businessmen, representatives of secondary schools and universities, and business environment institutions.
The debate was kicked off with two brief themed interventions, mayor of Jasło Ryszard Pabian presenting a “Vision for the Development of Jasło”, including urban development and investment plans. Association of Polish Cities strategic advisor Janusz Szewczuk described the town’s endogenous potentials.
The discussion panel “Supporting Entrepreneurship – Expectations v. Reality” was the next item on the meeting agenda. Topic blocks discussed included i.a. entrepreneurship-supporting education – challenges and opportunities, local market conditions, and market needs.
In closing, participants were asked to suggest topics for future debates. Focal issues included broadly defined housing, and women’s position in business and on the labour market.
The debate was an excellent opportunity to learn more about the town’s development prospects, establish new contacts, and offer space for multiple conversations and discussions.
The “Entrepreneurship as the Key behind Urban Development” debate was organised as part of the “Jasło – My Town, My Home” project co-funded by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for the years 2014-2021 and the state budget.