The purpose of the visit was to exchange and share experiences of Polish and Norwegian local governments in the area of housing development, green space development, municipal management and creating a competitive tourist offer. Representatives of the city of Bodo had their internship at the Office of the Municipality and Town of Nisko, which is co-financed and implemented in cooperation with the Association of Polish Cities, which runs the project.
On the first day of their stay in Nisko, the guests became acquainted with the organisational structure of the municipal office, a brief history and characteristics of the municipality. In the part with a presentation, the guests from Norway learned about the principles and role of spatial planning in Poland, the management of public space and investments carried out by Polish local governments. The principles of real estate management and proper management of public property were also presented. The interns learnt about the entire process of planning an investment and obtaining permission for its implementation, both in the public area as well as in the business and private sectors. The day also included a discussion on water and sewage management and the challenges that the Nisko local government still faces in this area. In addition, they learnt about proper waste management and waste reduction in the selection and disposal process.
In the second part of the day, the interns visited the Municipal Utilities Company, where tasks related to the management of municipal infrastructure, including water supply, sewage and waste disposal, were discussed. This allowed them to see the practical application of the solutions discussed earlier.
The second day of the internship was dedicated to discussing the principles involved in the management and creation of low rent and public housing. The interns learnt about the principles of housing management in Nisko, particularly in the area of public, social and co-operative housing. The principles of housing co-operative management were presented on the basis of the resources and experience of the Co-Ownership Housing Associations in Nisko, while public and social housing resources were presented on the basis of the experience and resources of the Board of Municipal Buildings and Urban Greenery in Nisko. The process of building and organising a water reservoir in Podwolina and giving it new tourist functions was presented. The guests had the opportunity to see the revitalised reservoir together with its infrastructure, which is intended to improve recreational conditions and increase the tourist attractiveness of Nisko. Nisko's tourism offer was presented, focusing on the importance of the Podwolina Reservoir as a centre for water sports and local recreation.
The interns had the opportunity to visit the Wickerwork Centre in Rudnik nad Sanem. This place is one of the key points on the map of the region, which is famous for its wicker weaving tradition. The first point of the visit was a tour of the permanent exhibition dedicated to the history of wickerwork in Rudnik nad Sanem. Among the items on display were: antique craft tools, examples of wicker products. Another stage of the visit was a demonstration of wicker weaving, conducted by a resident who cultivates the tradition and art of wickerwork.
The next place the interns had the opportunity to visit was the artisan bakery ‘GRAHAM’ In Rudnik nad Sanem. The visit was to learn about the process of baking bread and other pastries in the bakery, talk to the owners and taste the products.
The visitors then went to the The Polish Rafting Museum in Ulanów, the purpose of which was to learn about the history of rafting associated with Ulanów. This is a unique place that commemorates the centuries-old tradition of rafting timber down rivers - an activity that was once crucial to Poland's economy. The guide explained the importance of rafting for the economic development of Ulanów. The museum cultivates the memory of the rafters by organising various events related to their heritage each year, including traditional rafting trips down the San River. The participants concluded their visit with an entry in the museum's commemorative book.
On the last day, the interns visited the Podkarpackie Centre of Agricultural Advisory in Boguchwała. The purpose of the visit was to familiarize themselves with the activities of the centre, learn about the services offered to farmers and participate in workshops and presentations on modern agricultural techniques. Important topics related to crop and livestock production and the development of rural areas in the Podkarpackie voivodeship were discussed.
During the visit, the guests toured various departments of the centre and learned about the range of services offered. During the visit, they were able to talk with advisors working at the centre. They drew attention to the significance of innovation in agriculture, especially in the context of the changing climate and the challenges posed by the globalisation of the agricultural market. The experts stressed that farmers are increasingly turning to modern technologies and management methods to help increase the efficiency and quality of agricultural production.
The last place they had the opportunity to see was the KŁOS-POL Mill in Krzeszów. It is one of the mills with a long tradition, which mills grain and produces various types of flour, as well as retail and online sales. The interns were able to learn about the production process. The visit to the KŁOS-POL mill in Krzeszów was an interesting opportunity to learn about the modern flour production process, as well as natural and healthy products.