The event took place at the Dwór Olimp hotel and was attended by representatives from the cities of Przemyśl, Tarnów, Rydułtowy, Kędzierzyn Koźle, Mielec and Trondheim.
The meeting was inaugurated by the First Deputy Mayor of Stalowa Wola, Tomasz Miśko, who welcomed the participants to the Museum of the Central Industrial Region. Guided through the museum's permanent collection, the participants learnt about the history of Stalowa Wola as a modernist city, which was founded between 1937 and 1939.
The programme included an electric bus trip to Rozwadów, followed by a workshop led by Tereza Høgstad from the Trondheim Youth City Council on youth involvement in local communities. Participants compared how Youth Councils in Norway and Poland function, working out solutions to the challenges encountered.
Tomasz Miśko also presented the ‘Industrial Accelerator’ project in Stalowa Wola, which is designed to support young entrepreneurs in developing their businesses. The facility, which will be completed in 2025, is intended to be an innovative space to foster the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.
The meeting also discussed a number of youth-activating activities in Stalowa Wola, such as the City Lab, design thinking workshops and Europe's largest space-themed hackathon, the NASA Space Apps Challenge. New tools for the implementation of smart city ideas were also presented, including a new city website and a city app.
The event concluded with a debate on the role of the education system in leading the dialogue on public affairs, an important step towards involving young people in urban decision-making processes.
Through initiatives such as EMPIRIE, cities gain new ideas and tools to engage young people in their local communities, contributing to their active participation and building a better future.