Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski – “City ReNEWal”
Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski is launching its “City ReNEWal” programme – an enormous project, the consultation process having involved approximately 1,000 individuals.
fot. um.ostrowiec.pl

A conference of particular importance to Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski was held at the Ostrowiec Brewery of Culture to inaugurate the project Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski – “City ReNEWal”. An amount of nearly PLN 16 million secured pursuant to the Norwegian Financial Mechanism will enhance project delivery.

Project plans include an entrepreneurship assistance programme, cycling infrastructure development, municipal Ecological Education Programme implementation, a local community website, a digital archive, the Ostrowiec Integrator for Education and the Enterprising, Ostra (Ostrowiec) Card loyalty programme for local residents, and multiple other endeavours.

“We are kicking off “City ReNEWal” – a huge project, the consultation process having involved around 1,000 individuals. Two hundred and fifty-five cities and towns had the option of applying for Norwegian funds – our city came out fifth in the original ranking which included 55 locations. Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski ultimately ended up fourth in the finale of 29 locations, owing the result to excellent documentation and our considerable potential,” said Mayor of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Jarosław Górczyński.

The conference agenda included presentations designed to showcase purposes to be supported by Norwegian Mechanism funding. In its entirety, the project spans multiple diverse areas presented by project participants responsible for individual areas – so-called partners.