The new brand strategy for Przemyśl has been developed around the open stage concept – a stage of culture, social change, economy, and tourist experience. We want Przemyśl to become more than just a place to visit – we wish for it to evolve into a location wherein culture, history, modernity and community will blend into a harmonious unity, offering unique experiences to local residents and tourists alike.
Przemyśl as an “open stage” will be a venue where everyone’s voice is heard, whether of authors or participants of urban life. The concept proposes a city of vivid and dynamic culture, accessible to all and promoting innovation, creativity and openness to new ideas and experiences.
Przemyśl wishes to become a place offering a sense of creative freedom. The city is opening up to initiatives tabled by residents and authors, in support of their activities and projects.
The city wishes for residents to develop a sense of belonging and pride in being a part of the local community. Every resident’s voice counts in the process of developing the city’s image – the local will thus be included as an integral building block in the brand creation process.
The city wishes to provide tourists with an authentic and sustainable tourist experience, well-matched to the needs and expectations of anyone seeking options of responsible travel and/or interested in sustainable exposure to cultural heritage.
The new brand and marketing communication strategy for Przemyśl rests upon three strategic goals:
The strategy was developed as part of the “Changing Przemyśl Together” project under the “Local Development” Programme financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and Polish state budget.