Their meeting focused on digitising local government services – transforming our lives online.
The agenda for day one included a workshop with a pivotal debate on how to effectively introduce local government electronic systems and services. As convention host, the Przemyśl Municipality is an exemplar of successful implementation stories. Digital accessibility was another major issue debated. The city designed Urban Accessibility Standards as part of the Przemyśl Information System, bringing 50 public institution websites together under a single umbrella standard.
Moreover, this part of the meeting involved talks regarding the process of assessing overall municipal readiness to function in the digital world, the discussion moderated by Szymon Ciupa, Association of Polish Cities expert specialising in Smart Cities and GIS.
EMPIRIAE Networking day two began with a meeting with mayor of the City of Przemyśl Wojciech Bakun who opened his intervention with offering thanks for his city having been selected as a location of digital solution inspiration. Then, using Industry Business Simulations as a case study, Wojciech Pitura took the floor to present examples of how state-of-the art technologies support children and young people’s education.
The study concluded with a tour of the modernised facilities of Przemyśl’s Underground Tourist Route as proof of technology’s capacity for bringing urban history to life.