The meeting agenda included participants visiting the Pumped-Storage Power Plant Porąbka-Żar – Międzybrodzie Bialskie, and attending an “Energy Efficiency at Local Government Units” workshop joined i.a. by Jakub Kliś, Director of PGE Renewable Energy, Porąbka-Żar Branch.
During the workshop, Mayor of Żywiec and meeting host Antoni Szlagor divulged experiences of his own town, by presenting i.a. the outcomes of the successful “Sunny Żywiec Region” project. Strategic Advisor of the Association of Polish Cities Ryszard Grobelny pointed to challenges Polish cities and towns are facing in connection with energy transformation.
There was also sufficient time to visit the Old Castle, and learn more about Żywiec’s beautiful and fascinating history. Yet in line with EMPIRIAE tradition, the most important part of the meeting involved informal and friendly exchanges to facilitate the most important thing of all: direct experience sharing in the overall urban governance field.